Reactjs Quiz

Reactjs Quiz

1 / 20

What is React.js?

2 / 20

What is JSX in React.js?

3 / 20

What function is used to render a React component to the DOM?

4 / 20

What is the purpose of the state in React components?

5 / 20

What is the lifecycle method that is called after a component is rendered for the first time?

6 / 20

What is a key prop used for in React lists?

7 / 20

Which method is used to update the state in a React component?

8 / 20

What is the virtual DOM in React.js?

9 / 20

What is the purpose of props in React components?

10 / 20

Which hook is used to perform side effects in functional components in React?

11 / 20

What is the purpose of the key prop in React lists?

12 / 20

Which lifecycle method is used to perform cleanup in a React component?

13 / 20

What is the purpose of the useState hook in React?

14 / 20

What are the two types of components in React?

15 / 20

What is the purpose of a React component?

16 / 20

What is the purpose of the props.children property in React?

17 / 20

What is the purpose of the ReactDOM.render method in React?

18 / 20

What is the JSX syntax extension in React used for?

19 / 20

What is the purpose of the useEffect hook in React?

20 / 20

How do you pass data from a parent component to a child component in React?

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