Css Quiz

Css Quiz

1 / 15

What does CSS stand for?

2 / 15

Which CSS property is used to change the text color of an element?

3 / 15

  1. How do you select an element with the id "example" in CSS?

4 / 15

What does the "box-sizing" property in CSS control?

5 / 15

What is the default value of the "position" property in CSS?

6 / 15

How do you comment in CSS?

7 / 15

How can you include CSS in your HTML document?

8 / 15

What does the "float" property in CSS do?

9 / 15

Which CSS property is used to add rounded corners to an element?

10 / 15

What does the CSS property "transition" do?

11 / 15

Which CSS selector targets elements based on their attribute values?

12 / 15

Which CSS property is used to create a shadow effect around an element?

13 / 15

What does the CSS property "display: none;" do?

14 / 15

Which CSS property is used to control the spacing between lines of text within an element?

15 / 15

Which CSS property is used to change the style of the cursor when hovering over an element?

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